Caring for Puppies by Caroline Davis

Caring for PuppiesCaring for PuppiesSource: Essential Dog by Caroline Davis
In order for our puppies grow and develop properly, it takes a willingness and sincerity to teach him some exercise and certain proseur about how to behave. The following are basic things that must be considered when you are caring for puppies:

  1. Patience and compassion are the meek
  2. Understanding the behavior of dogs in general
  3. Consistently taught
  4. Creating rules
  5. Spending time together

Playing trains
After eating and sleeping, playing is the most important priority for the puppy, and of course playing very well for growth. In addition to ourselves which is considered as a playmate, so puppy like playing with various toys (eg socks are bound to bite). Toys that are given must be matched to the age of puppy, and you must immediately replace it so the toy has been damaged so that children do not swallow dog toy parts or pieces that have been damaged because it can make digestion disrupted.
The more often ourselves and puppies play together, he will assume you are the most important thing for him. The more often he wanted to be together and please you, the easier he is to be controlled.

give a gift if obedient
Dogs love to be praised and rewarded with something if he do things the way you want. This will make the dog learn to behave well. In addition, give praise and reward is a quick and fun to train your dog.

Train it to obey normal
Interaction between you and your pet puppy should be happy and fun, because it indicates that you are her best friend. Because she thinks you are his friend then he will always try to please yourself. Create an atmosphere where the puppy can get a gift from you for doing things right and according to your wishes, rather than letting it do the things you do not like and then you give a warning.
Show him where the right attitude and give a gift when he did it correctly. Warn puppy, saying 'Do not!', 'Arghhh', with a tone of anger when he does things that do not want. Or surprise him with shouts, grunts, and slapped the palms of your hands loudly. Face and gaze continued until he went away. Another important thing is to adjust the level of training required for the puppy, not too much but also not be less.

Maintain and manage
Dogs for children always feel comfortable and happy to be near you, give more attention to himself by way of caressing-stroked. The more often treated like that, he has a growing sense of calm, so that if one day she invited him to the vet he will not bite when stressed or held-hold. In addition, if the puppy accustomed to being touched and caressed, her confidence will arise in you and your puppy will be more open to accept the presence of others or your immediate family.

Health in
Once you have a puppy, check her mouth, see if her gums have a problem and teeth clean of tartar. To clean the gums and teeth, start by applying a special dog toothpaste on your finger and rub. After that, you can get used to brushing their teeth using a special toothbrush for dogs that are widely available in pet shops.

taken from the source:
and re-translated by: genk koplak

little pet shop 3(Tips Merawat Anjing Yang Baru Dibeli)

Tips Merawat Anjing Yang Baru Dibeli
Oleh Bobby Sant

Saat-saat yang menyenangkan tiba ketika rumah anda kedatangan anggota keluarga yang baru yaitu seekor anak anjing yang mungil dan lucu. Semua hal yang terbaik diberikan kepadanya. Tetapi beberapa hari kemudian timbul masalah yang sangat mengganggu pikiran anda. Anak anjing kesayangan anda tidak mau makan, stress, mencret , dll.

Oleh karena itu untuk menghindari hal-hal diatas, ikuti tips berikut ini:

   1.Setelah anjing yang baru anda beli tiba dirumah, taruh dia ditempat yang tenang. Jangan ajak main terlebih dahulu dalam 2-3 jam. Biarkan dia beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru.
   2.Jangan langsung diberi makan, hal ini sering dilakukan oleh pemilik anjing baru. Anakan anjing yang baru tiba dirumah baru jika dalam kondisi sehat pasti akan langsung makan makanan yang diberikan walaupun dia masih stress. Sebaiknya diberi makan 12 jam setelah anjing itu tiba dirumah. Anjing yang langsung diberi makan pada saat dia datang biasanya akan muncul masalah beberapa hari kemudian, seperti mogok makan.
   3. Berikan makanan yang secukupnya, jangan terus diberi makan jika porsi yang diberikan sudah habis. Anakan anjing yang sehat pasti akan menghabiskan makannya berapa banyakpun yang ada sampai perutnya penuh. Kebanyakan makan menyebabkan mencret.
   4.Anjing yang baru (berapapun usianya) jangan dimandikan atau diberi vaksinasi minimal 1 minggu sejak dia datang.
   5. Anakan anjing yang baru pasti akan menangis dalam beberapa hari. Bila dia sedang menangis, biarkan saja. Hal ini akan berlangsung sekitar 2-3 hari.
   6.Cek kesehatan anjing yang baru anda beli ke dokter hewan.

dikutip dari :

how to keep rabbits

Rabbit or rabbit is not only used as livestock commodities is quite promising, but also serve as a pet. Because besides cute and adorable, rabbits also were able to provide fun for penyanyangnya nature. From the literature, and writing blogs in the world of veterinary related magazines, caring for a rabbit is not an easy matter. The following care tips rabbits as pets:
1. Rabbit cage guarded so as not to damp and awake from the unfriendly weather such as rain, hot sun and the wind blowing directly. Dry conditions were quite good.
2. decorative rabbit cage floor be kept clean because of the lack of sanitation maintained cage can cause various diseases. Make a comfortable floor for a rabbit cage like the bamboo and dirt can fall kepenampungannya.
3. The number of rabbits in a cage tailored to the wide cage because the cage is narrow with a lot of rabbits capacity so that the limited space for a rabbit can cause stress for the rabbit and the disease usually arises when the tip strees death
4. Do not give the vegetables to the types of ornamental rabbits or other species in the form of "fresh", make sure the state should wither away and do not rot (not to be given directly from the fridge). Withering process is useful to enhance crude fiber content, also to remove sap or toxins that can cause cramps and diarrhea (unless your rabbit eat the plants from the wild)
5. Immediately contact your veterinarian if you find your rabbit sick. If you need to do first aid for the situation is not too severe. Prevention efforts far better than treatment.
6. For additional feed (concentrate) can you give special rabbit pellets (eg species of ornamental rabbits) or can also be given rice bran mixed with vegetables and tofu waste-fed water stirred slightly and then given to rabbits

  • According to some breeders of rabbits and a forum made up of people who engaged in perkelincian, For business this one still raises the question, the rabbit should be given water to drink or not? May. Grass and leaf fresh young water content of more than 80%. If a rabbit to eat forage as much as 5kg per day, which 4kg (4 liters) is water. This is where the water met drinking rabbits (Rabbits and decorative pieces, BSarwono). You can ask also in place to sell a bunny rabbit as a place to sell ornamental. Because we do not provide food for the rabbits we are 100% vegetable then the need of drinking water to rabbits that were given additional food concentrates, absolute existence.

little pet shop

Semua orang mengira memelihara suatu hewan itu sulit, akan tetapi
semua orang juga ingin memelihara hewan tersebut
disamping karena kelucuannya juga karena ia sangat 
mudah perawatannya, dalam hal ini saya akan memeberikan tips agar hewan kesayangan 
kita akan terjaga kesehatanya juga mudah merawatnya:
  • jangan biarkan peliharaan anda makan sembarangan.
  • rutin dalam mengontrol kesehatan hewan kesayangan anda.
  • berikan makan yang bermutu untuk peliharaan yang dipelihara.
  • jangan biarkan dia bermain lepas tanpa terkendari karena hal tersebut bisa membahayakannya juga kesehatannya.
  • bersikan tempat tidur dan tempat makanan dan minuman hewan peliharaan anda dengan bersih dan teratur(RutinI)

Download more clik here

little pet shop

Anjing kecil ini adalah anjing yang sangat lucu dan anjing ini
begitusangan mengesankan kini anjing adalah sahabat manusia akan tetapi tidak jarang
yang mengetahui cara merawat anjing.

garfield's pet force(2)

Sikecil tapi ganas inilah yang digambarkan didalam gambar ini
anjing yang stu ini adalah anjing untuk berburuh dan sering menjadi patner 
yang sangat baik bagi polisi, Anjing ini penciumannya sangatlah tajam
sehingga tidak jarang yang ingin memiliki anjing ini untuk hewan pliharaannya
Anjing satu ini sangatlah anggun dan sanggatlah membantu dalam kehidupan masyarakat

klik disini untuj mengundu bagai mana perawataan anjing yang baik

garfield's pet force(1)

funny but the agile animals that one is suitable also for those of you who like to hunt animals that one forest meadow is ready to serve you whenever and wherever you are next to him funny too strong for a kiss Naturalife Greenworld scent hunt
healthy for your cute friend always click here to download

garfield's pet force

for you who like to hunt this dog is the right thing for you to have and should be assessed "good" this dog has a speed and agility are very good and so was the sharp smell this you should have if you have hobby hunting.

click here for download

how to care for pet

pets is a personality of the owner and when the pet is not well cared for animals so it describes the lack of your beloved animals that you keep it with it if you do not want to or not interested in maintaining a better pet then you do not maintain it due to poor Maintained these animals he could die and she could lose the authority to live in this world is not a story but this is a reflection for those of you who want to raise animals so as not to regret later on the day
 click here how to care for pet

adopt a pet part 1

choose an animal is a beginning of a pet at the animal

 when you want to choose a pet animal then decide what you like and when you've never raise animals then you should start raising animals are easier to maintain when you have a pet you do not leave your animals and are reluctant to care for her anymore because a first choice of raising animals pet then you should be so fond of these animals because the animal is part of yourself because you chose him as an animal of your choice
love him and treat it as you love him and you never forget him because he was waiting for his master stroked affection that is andadia part of your family and yourself