Feeding Cats The Pain

Cats that are sick need extra energy and the availability of nutrients needed to repair cells damaged body and increase endurance to fight the disease. But at the time was ill, most cats will not eat so it can aggravate their health condition.
Cat loss of appetite can be caused by several reasons such as experiencing stress due to environmental changes or are sick. Follow some of these tips that can be tried to overcome the loss of appetite cat:

The easiest thing to do is try to provide food that is usually the most preferred by the cat. Preferred food usually can help restore the cats appetite.
Try to feed simultaneously with several other cats so as to create the element of competition. Usually the cat will be goaded to go fight for food with other cats.
You also can provide food with flavor preferred by cats. The smell of food is a stimulator of appetite in cats. Cat loss of appetite when he can not smell the food properly due to suffering from colds.
Warms food can help make it easier to eat aroma wafted by a cat. Please note the food until the temperature becomes too hot as it can result in potentially fatal.
Cats prefer wet food than dry food. By adding the broth to the food can stimulate appetite cat. Usually the cat will love licking broth provided.
Do not leave food left on the food more than 10 -15 minutes. Give small amounts of food but with the frequency of feeding more frequently. Thus the cat's appetite will be more often stimulated by the new food is provided.
To introduce a new food to a cat, mix a little new food into the food commonly eaten. Gradually add the new food portions cat until fully accustomed to the new food.
If you have tried the ways mentioned above but have not managed to restore the cat's appetite, this problem should immediately consult with a veterinarian to avoid the things that are not desirable.