how to care for golden-retriever


Impound the dog Goldie serves to train the discipline. Basically no matter Goldie grounded, especially when no one is watching, so the risk of accidents (electrocution, chemical medicine, swallowing foreign objects) can be minimized.

To avoid boredom and for healthy dogs, at certain hours they get a chance to play in the yard. If you do not have the page, at least 1x a day invited to walk out of the house. in addition to sports (Goldie and owner), also for socialization into a new orang2.

Hair Care

Indeed, the cold temperatures, will be more fluffy fur. Because naturally, your body will adapt to not freeze. how to grow and thicken cotton fleece. if in the room without ac, no problem. The important thing is good air circulation and always stable in dry conditions. For treatment of dogs, can every day wiped with a chamois cloth to keep clean from dust and moisture. Hair growth is also strongly influenced by nutrition (food) and vitamin fur. So basically do regular dog grooming, dog lovers sometimes some dogs go to a salon to do the treatment. At the salon where dogs can also add information about a pet dog.

regulate meals

To eat, can give Dog Food. There are some brands can be used, depending on the needs of dogs. For pregnant and lactating mother, could use super premium dogfood premium special-pregnant and lactating mother and puppies.

For dogs within the idle position (not pregnant / lactating, not puppies), they could be given to the grade dogfood underneath. Besides being more efficient, as well as needed.

Dogfood a given dose depends on the condition of the dog, since although in each bag of food already stated dose, sometimes does not match the conditions of good dogfood anjing.Terkadang expensive does not match the dog's digestive system, so the food will be wasted and the growth of the dog to be disturbed. Foresight dog owners to observe the development and if it should, try different brands, is indispensable.