Tips And Tricks Caring For Stray Cats

Ever Finding Kitten On the edge of the road and intend to look after following a tip from the Animal Hospital:
1. If the kitten seems weak and unhealthy? It is better taken to the veterinary clinic or animal hospital in advance to ensure its condition. We never know the kitten's already doing and already diapain aja aja? Jd is better taken to the clinic or animal hospital first to make sure your doctor at once asked for advice as well as prescription drugs if needed.
2. Animal Hospital after coming home, give MILK IS NOT contain lactose in kittens. Most errors within a layman who does not keep the kitten has a parent is to give a kitten cow's milk is usually consumed by humans (which contain lactose). the solution is given with soy milk (which does not contain lactose) which are sold in supermarkets.
3. Portion food for kittens age adjusted. In less than 1 month of age, is actually not allowed to be fed. He was only able to consume milk only. Jd if want to change your diet for a cat, do it gradually.
4. Kittens eye discharge often. Therefore, better clean and wipe the kitten's eyes with warm water so that dirt does not accumulate in both eyes. At least once a day.
5. Teach your kitten throw dirt pd place at an early age. Because that cat feces can contain protozoa jd (toxoplasmosis) which is harmful to humans, especially for pregnant women and mothers.
6. DO NOT give a kitten worm medicine pd age who are still in less than 1.5 months.
7. for kitten who rarely left the house just two weeks bathed only once.
8. If talking Problems vaccine (such as rabies vaccines), it is better to consult your veterinarian or animal hospital first because the vaccine will be given periodically.